Thursday, 5 November 1981


Thursday, November 5, 1981

WHEN writing a comical study of Parliament 10 years from now, the hard task is to know what to leave out.

So many aspects leave themselves open to ridicule that the new Theatre Restaurant show “PHOCH ’91” has only the best ingredients left.

Canberra writers Mark O’Connor and Neil Fredericks, assisted by Peter Batey, have devised a script for Mario’s new Tonic Theatre Restaurant.

Canberra’s most experienced theatre restaurant actors, Doug Williams, Tamara Ross, Chris Rutter, Shani Wood and Will Mulholland make up the cast and Tony Magee supplies the music.

Produced by Coralie Wood and directed by Jim Hutchins, “PHOCH ’91” (Parliament House on Capital Hill) will be updated every week as the rich tapestry of Parliament life unfolds.

Initially, PHOCH ’91 will play every Friday and Saturday in the new Tonic Theatre Restaurant at Mario’s, Petrie Plaza, Civic.

First published in The Canberra Standard, November 5, 1981

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