Tuesday 18 June 2024

Painting: "A concentrated Franz Liszt in the ball room in Budapest" (1872) by Franz Schams

"A concentrated Franz Liszt in the ball room in Budapest". (March 18, 1872) The audience include Emperor Franz Joseph (fourth from right in blue), crown prince Rudolf, Archduchess Gisela and the Hungarian nobility). 

Painting by Franz Schams (1823 - 1883). Vienna, Bösendorfer Collection.

This artwork of Schams is also known as: "Franz Liszt konzertiert im Redoutensaal in Budapest."

Franz Liszt, pianist and composer; 1811 - 1886.

The piano Liszt is playing is a Bösendorfer (made in Vienna).

Visit art9000 to order prints (link here).

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